Novella about growing up in Abergele free to download for Kindle for a few days

I’ve written here before about Abergele author Rob Burslem.  He’s perhaps best known for his books set in Africa (Murdoch’s Africa). I’ve just heard that his Abergele novella Three Pomegranates and a Half Bottle of Scotch has been made available for free download by Amazon for a few days as a Kindle edition.

If you’re reading this article after about mid May 2014, you’re probably too late to get it for free, but the novella’s been well reviewed on the store, so it’s worth a look.  Reviewer Paul writes: “This was an excellent read. I couldn’t help but have empathy with Kevin’s plight. The conversational style felt really authentic. As the story progressed I couldn’t put the book down. I actually chocked when I read the author’s note at the end.


3 thoughts on “Novella about growing up in Abergele free to download for Kindle for a few days

  1. eve jones:

    PLEASE ,PLEASE can I obtain your book a boy growing up in Abergele??? and any other books of Abergele ??? I live in Abergele I am REALLY interested in all aspects of it –I recognise some of the old names -my husband was born in maes canol then moved to maes y dre —his father was known as Tom Bryn! real name MELVYN JONES—–we would love to purchase any reading you have regarding Abergele. thank you so much in anticipation -ive bought the books that are on amazon at present xGod Bless x

    1. Gareth Morlais:

      Thanks for getting in touch Eveline. This book is available as a Kindle download on Amazon. I don’t thinks it’s been released in print just yet.

  2. Alan Curtress:

    abergele library very kindly purchased a copy from amazon of book 3 pomegranate and half bottle of svotch

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