Look at Morley. A lovely dog who has been treated with cruelty. The Manchester Evening News says that the person charged with doing this moved to Abergele. Morley is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Animal lover and AbergelePost reader Linda Reynolds has been in touch to tell his story and to try to find out what’s happened to him. Can you help?
She writes: “Morley was the staffie involved in the distressing court case, reported in the Manchester Evening News in March of this year. His owner, Martin Doyle, tethered Morley on a balcony with his mouth tied shut, unable to pant or drink water”
If you’re easily upset by cruelty to animals, don’t watch the video of the CCTV footage. Linda continues:
“It was reported in the article that Morley was taken to a re-homing centre but we have discovered that this was not in fact the case. We have been told many different versions of what actually happened. to Morley. The following is what we do know: The RSPCA visited the owner but didn’t remove the dog. Mr Doyle moved to Abergele and said he gave Morley away. Mr Doyle’s mother says she gave Morley to a re-homing centre ‘somewhere off the A548 heading towards Abergele Hospital.’ – ‘a sort of farm that takes in strays.’”
Linda Reynolds wants to know if any AbergelePost readers know of such a place in or around Abergele. But, most of all, she wants to know what has happened to Morley: “We simply need to know if Morley is now being cared for, and if he is still in rescue we would like to help him find a home.”
Please use the comments section on this page if you have any information.
These are the rescues I have contacted so far. Thank you for helping us to find this poor dog.
Linda Reynolds
1. MERLIN ANIMAL RESCUE – info@merlinanimalrescue.co.uk
2. NORTH CLWYD ANIMAL RESCUE (NCAR) – info@ncar.org.uk
3. HAPPY DAYS ANIMAL RESCUE NORTH WALES support@happydaysanimalrescue.org.uk
4. CAPRICORN ANIMAL RESCUE – capricornrescue@gmail.com
5. FRESHFIELDS ANIMAL RESCUE CENTRE – wales@freshfieldsrescue.org.uk
6. PET RESCUE WELFARE ASSOCIATION DYSERTH – info@pet-rescuecharity.co.uk
7. MANY TEARS ANIMAL RESCUE – info@manytearsrescue.org
8. ABANDONED ANIMALS ASSOCIATION – carol@abandonedanimals.org.uk
9. SNOWDONIA ANIMAL SANCTUARY – snowdoniaanimalsanctuary@hotmail.co.uk
10. NANT Y CORN BOARDING KENNELS – enquiries@nantycorn.com ** 01745 824646
A big ‘thank you’ to Gareth for publishing this Appeal for information.
As Linda said “We simply need to know if Morley is now being cared for, and if he is still in rescue we would like to help him find a home.”
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE help us to find Morley; thank you.