The ghost signs of Abergele

Sam Roberts has had a passion for many years. He runs a website about the ghostsigns in Britain’s towns. He even plots walking tours of places like London where you can look at these signs. These are the old signs which have been forgotten. In response to a special request from Sam on Twitter, here are two plus one which has been painted over here in Abergele, and here they are:

The Mountjoy, photo by Gareth Morlais,
The Mountjoy Cafe and Accommodation ghost sign, by the Gele bridge in town in Abergele

Lewis Bros Tailoring ghostsign, photo by Gareth Morlais,

Morgan's Medical Hall, photo by Gareth Morlais,
Morgan’s Chemist sign. This used to be a ghost sign, until it was painted over, preserving it for longer.

Gwrych Halloween

There are some ghostly happenings planned at Gwrych Castle this Halloween, organised by the Gwrych Trust, according to the Trust’s Jake Basford:

“Gwrych Castle has been famous for its ghostly happenings, with stories coming from famous boxers who trained there having spotted the Countess wandering the Gardens, and pictures of ghosts making headlines in recent years (only to turn out to be Hermione from Harry Potter). This is why Gwrych Trust is recreating the spooky experience with a series of Ghost Hunts, Walks, and, a special themed Open Day over Halloween.”

31 October (Halloween Night): Ghost Walks (6pm-9pm) running around the Castle, 50 people per guide, age 16+, costing £15 per person which includes a hot beverage and pumpkin soup. Ghost Hunts (9pm-2am) taking place in the Gardens, 30 people per group, age 18+, costing £30 per person.

1 November (All Saints Day): Open Day (12-4pm) at Gwrych Castle, no minimum age requirement, £5 per person, Halloween theme. Ghost Walks (6pm-9pm) running around the Castle, 50 people per guide, age 16+, costing £15 per person which includes a hot beverage and pumpkin soup. Ghost Hunts (9pm-2am) taking place in the Gardens, 30 people per group, age 18+, costing £30 per person.


Tickets are on sale from Gwrych’s ticketing site from 15 Oct 2014

Mark Baker, Chair of Gwrych Trust, said, “With the success of previous Open Days at the Castle we thought we would really go for it with Halloween this year. There are many ghost stories rampant about Gwrych, from previous owners to current volunteers, so it may be necessary to do a second edition of Myths and Legends one day!”




Coed-y-Gopa woodland fete

Sunday 17 August is the date of this fete at Tan-y-Gopa, Abergele.

Visitors on the day can experience willow artwork, bushcraft, storytelling, face painting, and more.

Organisers Woodland Trust say this will be a chance to see some of the improvements such as waymarked trails, benches, etc., with a £32,000 grant from Biffa Award.

There’ll be a minibus shuttle every 20 minutes or so from Tesco, Water Street bowling green, and opposite the Pensarn beach car park between 11.45 and 4.15.


Gwrych Castle Open Day 28 June 2014

Gwrych Castle from Tan y Gopa's Doorknob by Gareth Morlais CC-BY-SA
Gwrych Castle from Tan y Gopa’s Doorknob by Gareth Morlais CC-BY-SA

Gwrych Castle’s gates are being flung open for visitors for the first time in ages on Saturday 28 June 2014.

Entry between noon  and 4pm will cost £5, which includes a tour of the castle and grounds and a catch up on the latest news from the owners of the Castle and Gwrych Trust. The tours are hourly.

Ice cream will be on sale as well as copies of Mark Baker’s latest book Margaret Sandbach: A Tragedy in Marble and Ink, written with Dewi Gregory.

Mark Baker, who is Chair of the Board of Trustees for Gwrych Trust and author of The Rise and Fall of Gwrych said, “It is very exciting that the castle will be open for the day and that we have an opportunity for people to learn about its history and what is proposed for the future”.

Jake Basford of the Trust, handling promotion, says that proceeds from the tours will go towards the planned Visitor Centre project.

Access  will be via the road shared with Manorafon Farm, but access will only be given to foot traffic. No parking will be allowed on site, at Manorafon Farm or Abergele Golf club, unless otherwise stated. If you have a disability and want to discuss access, just email gwrych (at) before the day.