Robert Jones Bee Hotel Coachman

This is the first of a series of images of Abergele from Dennis Parr’s collection. Mr Parr will be familiar to many who’ve lived in the town since the 1960s. He used to run Parr’s shops in Market St.
This image, from his collection and reproduced with Dennis Parr’s permission, shows Mr Robert Jones,  the coachman who was employed by the Bee Hotel long ago to meet guests at Pensarn raiway station and shuttle them to the Bee Hotel.
We’ll publish more images from the Dennis Parr Collection on this site over the coming months.
from the Dennis Parr collection
from the Dennis Parr collection
from the Dennis Parr collection
from the Dennis Parr collection

4 thoughts on “Robert Jones Bee Hotel Coachman

  1. David Hughes:

    Great couple of pictures Dennis. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your collection.

  2. John Hughes:

    Where were:-
    “Cottonia Cottage”, Chapel St. — Existed in 1891
    “Bodgwynedd”, Abergele — Existed in 1918
    Are there any photos ?

    1. Andrew Hesketh:

      Cottonia Cottage was / is a mid-terrace on Chapel Street a couple if doors up from the dentist. I think it’s the one with the shop front labelled PHW Commercial.

  3. David Davies:

    A superb illustration of a bygone era.

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